home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;This is ARACHNE.CFG for Arachne version 1.6+
- ;If you want to use Arachne on PC with CPU 486+ you should start here.
- ;(tested on AMD K5/133). You should have really fast video card for this.
- ;This configuration file can be completely controled from Arachne setup.
- ;Run setup if you are not sure what to change in configuration file.
- [profile]
- Profile FASTPC.ACF
- Connection READY
- Hangup NUL
- ;Connection @cmd ... command cmd will estabilish connection
- ;Connection READY ... connection is permanent, packet driver in AUTOEXEC...
- ;Connection NUL ... do not start TCP/IP (run arachne -c to force this)
- [dialer]
- DialPage file:setup.htm
- TerminalWindow @MINITERM.EXE
- UseTerminal No
- Port 3
- Irq 4
- Base 0x3e8
- Mode 8N1
- Speed 19200
- InitString ATZ
- DialString ATDT
- PhoneNumber 00000000
- Autologin No
- WaitFor1 name:
- Response1 \u
- WaitFor2 sword:
- Response2 \p
- WaitFor3 >
- Response3 ppp
- PPPusername user
- PPPpassword xxxxxx
- ;Port values: 0 non-standard serial (COM) port, 1-4 standard ports
- ;Base values: 0x??? (eg. 0x3e8) - Base and Irq are used for Port 0
- ;Mode values: databits/parity/stopbits (eg. 8N1)
- [tcp/ip]
- IP_Address WATTCP
- IP_Grab IP address set to
- NameServer
- AltNameServer
- Gateway
- AltGateway
- Netmask
- TCPconfig q:\lan\wattcp.cfg
- ;IP_Address n.n.n.n ... fixed IP address
- ;IP_Address PPP ... for PPP.EXE and PPPD.EXE (get address from PPP.LOG)
- ;IP_Address BOOTP ... WatTcp attepmts to use BOOTP protocol
- ;IP_Address %enviro% ... Minuet style (enviroment variable, like %MYIP%)
- ;IP_Address WATTCP ... use ONLY values from TCPconfig (variable my_ip )
- ;IP_Grab string ... prefix of IP address in PPP.LOG ("IP address set to")
- ;TCPconfig filename ... name of WatTcp configuration file (often WATTCP.CFG)
- [mail]
- SMTPserver mail.provider.com
- POP3server mail.provider.com
- POP3username user
- POP3password xxxx
- KeepOnServer No
- eMail user@provider.com
- PersonalName Arachne User
- Organization Arachne Fan Club
- TimeZone +0000
- UseSignature Yes
- SignatureFile SIGN.TXT
- MailEncoding MIME
- MailSortOrder DateSnt
- KillSent No
- MailIdxTemplate idxhead.htp
- ForwardString1 ----- Forwarded message begin -----
- ForwardString2 ------ Forwarded message end ------
- ReplyString On %s, %s wrote:
- MyCharset US-ASCII
- MailBodyEncoding 7bit
- ;MailSortOrder values: DateRcv|DateSnt|Address|Subject
- [internet]
- HTTPproxy proxy.provider.com:8080
- UseProxy No
- HomePage http://ubcd.sourceforge.net/
- SearchPage http://www.google.com/
- SearchEngine http://www.google.com/search?
- FTPusername user
- FTPpassword user@provider.com
- FTPserver ftp.provider.com
- FTPpath /home/user/www/index.html
- AcceptCharset ISO-8859-1,*
- [system]
- Hotlist q:\ETC\HOTLIST.HTM
- History .\HISTORY.LST
- CookieFile q:\ETC\COOKIES.LST
- CacheIndex .\CACHE.IDX
- CachePath .\CACHE\
- Cache2TEMP Yes
- MailPath .\MAIL\
- DownloadPath .\DOWNLOAD\
- [misc]
- Logo 0
- LoadImages Yes
- Frames Yes
- JPEGargs -bmp -fast
- FILEargs -l
- RefreshDelay 5
- ScreenSaver 10
- ScreenSaverStyle R
- ScreenSaverColors 0
- ESC Exit
- F3key file:*.htm
- AutoF3key Yes
- BigFont No
- ScrollBarSize 14
- ScrollBarStyle NextStep
- Colors 11 0
- MouseColors 15 15
- VirtualScreen 0
- ScreenMode Auto
- SmoothScroll Yes
- ScrollStep 50
- BgColor #000000
- Text #F0F0F0
- Link #00FF00
- Background NUL
- ExitOnHangup No
- ASCIIwidth 78
- HTMLtext #000000
- HTMLbgColor #C4C4C4
- HTMLlink #0000C4
- ;AfterPOP3 smtp:
- ;AfterSMTP file:mail.htm
- ShiftF1 file://doc/howto.htm
- ShiftF2 file://oops\*.*
- ShiftF3 file:*.*
- ShiftF4 file://examples\newfile.htm
- ShiftF5 http://www.yahoo.com/
- ShiftF6 http://www.wired.com/
- ShiftF7 http://www.altavista.com/
- ShiftF8 http://short.stop.home.att.net/
- ShiftF9 http://www.slashdot.org/
- ShiftF10 file://readmail.dgi
- AltTab No
- EditHotlistEntry Yes
- Autodial No
- UseCID No
- UseCDescr No
- AltSysFont 0
- Index *.*
- FontShift 0
- Multitasking Yes
- XMS4allGIFs 2048
- XMS4oneGIF 1040000
- CSS Yes
- ;ScrollBarStyle values: NextStep|Windows|Arachne|X
- ;BgColor,Text,Link values: #RRGGBB (hexadecimal values of red, green and blue)
- ;VirtualScreen value: vertical number of pixels, 0 disables virtual screen.
- ;ScreenMode values: Auto|Smart|Nice
- ;BodyArachne values: System|Default|All
- ;Colors values are <ink 0..15> <paper 0..15>
- [security]
- SavePasswords No
- Cookies Yes
- HTTPreferer Yes
- ;FakeFTPeMail user@domain
- [auto-added]
- POP3log No
- SMTPlog No
- UseAuthSMTP No
- KeepHTT No
- HTTPKeepAlive Yes
- IgnoreBaseHref No
- UseKeyMap No
- MinDiskSpace 128
- QADT Yes
- Kill468x60 No
- DelHistory No
- CacheFonts Yes
- ScreenSaverMess 20